Windows Server


How to install OpenSSH server on Windows Server 2022 in offline environment

This post shows how to install OpenSSH server on Windows Server 2022 that is in an offline (blocked internet access) environment.

Backup Once/Restore by Windows Server Backup

This post shows procedures for full backup of Windows Server 2019 and restore by Windows Server Backup that is the feature of operating system. Backup destinations are USB HDD or Windows file share (SMB).

Windows remote desktop via SSH tunnel

This post shows how to connect Windows Server that can't be accessed directly by remote desktop.

Install WSL2 on Windows 10 and use Ubuntu

This post shows how to install Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2) on Windows 10 and use Ubuntu environment on it.

Configure Memory Dump by Windows command

This post shows how to configure Memory Dump by Windows command.

Configure Virtual Memory by Windows command

This post shows how to configure Virtual Memory by Windows command.

Windows Server 2022 Roles and Features List

This post shows the list of Windows Server 2022 roles and features.

Windows Server 2019 Roles and Features List

This post shows the list of Windows Server 2019 roles and features.

Windows Server 2016 Roles and Features List

This post shows the list of Windows Server 2016 roles and features.

Performance counters to find out bottlenecks of Windows Server

This guide shows performance counters to find out bottlenecks of Windows Server and criteria.