
How to manage Windows Server with Ansible.



Prerequisites for Ansible

Ansible: How to install ansible 7 (available offline (blocked internet access) situations)

This guide shows the procedures for setting up to manage Windows Server with Ansible to do on the Ansible Controller. At this time, I installed Ansible 7 to CentOS Stream 9. This guide is also available offline (blocked internet access) situations.
Prerequisites for Ansible

Ansible: About version 2.10 or later

Since Ansible 2.10, ansible-core (renamed from ansible-base to ansible-core in version 2.11) is provided. ansible-core i...
Windows with Ansible samples & tips

Ansible: Remote execution with Excel parameter sheets

This post shows how to convert excel parameter-sheets into variables that can be used in Ansible. The following is summary. 1. Convert excel into csv file 2. Convert csv file into host variables of Ansible 3. Use host variables in Ansible
Windows with Ansible samples & tips

Ansible: Retry processing

This post shows how to retry Ansible module in Playbook. To retry, use until.
Windows with Ansible samples & tips

Ansible: Using changed_when in playbook

This post shows how to use changed_when in playbook of Ansible. It is one of the important elements to write playbook with idempodency.
Windows with Ansible samples & tips

Ansible: How to run PowerShell script on Windows Server

This post shows how to run PowerShell script on Windows Server target with Ansible. There are three manners: - Run a script written in a Playbook - Run ps1 file that is on Ansible Controller - Run ps1 file that is on Target
Prerequisites for Ansible

Ansible: Run a Playboook for the first time – Targets are Windows Server

This post shows the procedures to run simple playbook for Windows Server targets on Ansible.
Windows with Ansible samples & tips

Ansible: Recommended directory structure and using variables

This post shows about a directory structure and using variables of Ansible I recommend from the aspect of management and operation.
Prerequisites for Ansible

Ansible: Setting up on targets (Windows Server)

This guide shows the procedures for setting up to manage Windows Server with Ansible on the targets.
Prerequisites for Ansible

Ansible: Setting up to manage Windows

This guide shows the procedures for setting up to manage Windows with Ansible to do on the Ansible Controller. At this time, I installed Ansible 2.9 to CentOS 8.4. This guide is also available offline (blocked internet access) situations.